How to Choose the Right Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Workers’ compensation insurance companies often deny or delay claims because many workers will not appeal their cases. If workers do appeal these decisions, they will typically have to face the insurance company’s well-prepared legal team to get any compensation.


If you need an Iowa workers compensation attorney, search for an attorney or firm that specializes in these types of claims. You may even choose a firm or lawyer that only handles these types of claims. Workers’ compensation laws are extensive and complicated, so if your attorney is unfamiliar with all the statutes, you may not receive the settlement you need or deserve.

Testimonials and Reviews

Personal references and online reviews and testimonials are a great place to start looking for an attorney. These are written or given by individuals who have experience with a specific lawyer or firm. They can tell you how easy they found the process, how the attorneys prefer to communicate and how long the process took.

Initial Consultation

You will want to schedule an initial meeting with all your prospective attorneys. They will quickly review your case and determine if you have a valid claim. They will also decide whether or not to take your case. These lawyers will inform you about the process, your legal rights and what to expect. They will also let you know what you need to do. You may discuss how often you should hear from them or when you should contact them if something about your case changes. Be sure to ask about their fee schedule, including their compensation and any litigation-related expenses you may be charged.

If you have been injured on the job and require medical care or lost wages during your recovery, you may want to seek the counsel of a knowledgeable, well-respected, experienced workers’ compensation attorney.