Couples may face many issues and a DNA test can help them find the solution. For example, if the man has doubts about his paternity, a paternity test while pregnant can be performed as early as the 7th week. For first-time parents who want to enjoy every stage of their baby’s life to the fullest, a gender reveal party is a must. It is not about knowing if it will be a boy or a girl, but about sharing a magical moment with your family. In this case, with a home gender test, you can know how to decorate the baby’s room and what clothes to buy. Not to mention the name, since it takes time to decide on a name both parents like. DNA can also be used to detect if there are problems with fertility or if the parents’ genetic combination could trigger hereditary diseases in their baby.
Easy to perform tests
People are often busy with work or school obligations. It can be difficult for two people with different schedules to attend a laboratory together for a DNA test. While some of these tests require the couple to go to the lab, most of them can be done at home. How do these home-based tests work? The couple accesses the laboratory’s website and purchases the test they wish to take. The lab will send you a kit with everything you need to collect the samples, including detailed instructions on how to do it. The couple then sends the samples back to the lab and waits for the results to arrive by email. Simple, fast, and reliable.
Information for the curious
When a couple discovers they can perform DNA tests without leaving home, many questions arise. The laboratories have designed websites with large amounts of information explaining how each test works and what the couple can do with the results. It is important to note that there is a legally valid test and a non-legally valid test. The former is used when a parent wants to obtain legal rights over a child, and the latter is only for the couple to have the results. To put it in context: Imagine that a man doubts his paternity. He takes a test with no legal validity that turns out to be positive. Both man and the woman go to the civil registry and certify that the man is the father’s child. Since the man agrees to fulfill his responsibility, there is no need for a legal paternity test because there is no trial.