How to Master Cloud Native Applications in 6 Simple Steps

If you are planning to migrate to the cloud, there are several steps to master. These include assembling the right team, breaking the transition into phases, and developing projects within each. In addition, it is essential to define clear expectations and collect feedback from stakeholders. Finally, you should also align your business goals and key results with the transition. Need to learn and want to know what are cloud native applications?

API-First Design

An API-first design for cloud-native applications entails treating APIs as a critical part of the system’s life cycle. This includes creating APIs with contract language to help ensure proper planning and feedback from stakeholders. This paradigm was introduced with the rise of microservices. While these approaches are similar, they differ in several ways. API-first designs use design-led development approaches to create more flexible, modular applications.

The API provides a mediator that connects two or more systems. It allows for interconnected functionalities and the exchange of user data. In turn, it uses minimal code. However, APIs do not come without risks and should be secured appropriately.

Microservices Architecture

Cloud-native applications are composed of microservices that operate independently and are packaged into lightweight containers. As a result, they are easily deployable on any cloud platform and scale up and down based on their requirements. Furthermore, they are smaller than traditional apps and can survive outages and infrastructure changes.

The benefits of cloud-native applications include decoupling different services that make them easier to manage and improve than monolithic applications. This approach allows developers to focus on the core functionality of their applications and reduces costs. Moreover, microservices can be tested and enhanced independently without breaking the entire application.


One way to ensure that your cloud-native applications are always up and running is to build redundancy. Your application should have at least one copy of your code. This is important to prevent the occurrence of single points of failure. To achieve this, you can use various methods, such as data replication, self-contained instances, and multi-region deployment. You can also implement rate limiting or compensate transactions to ensure transactional consistency.

Another benefit of cloud-native applications is that they can be updated and scaled flexibly. This makes it possible to use different technologies and services as your application grows. Additionally, you can use a pay-per-use model, which makes it easy to upgrade your applications without affecting their performance. This allows you to optimize your resources while maximizing your revenue.

Stateful and Stateless Services

Regarding the architecture of cloud-native applications, you need to know the differences between stateful and stateless services. While stateless services typically have lower infrastructure costs, they don’t leverage cache and can impact the transaction response time. On the other hand, stateful services maintain near/edge, service-plugged, or remote stores. These caches contain data that is not changing and can help reduce the response time of your applications.

Historically, developers have tended to use stateless services in cloud-native applications because they provide more flexibility. For example, they can scale their processing capacity based on the number of users. They can also handle traffic variances and implement recovery strategies. However, this type of approach is not appropriate for all cloud-native applications.


A powerful feature of cloud-native applications is autoscaling. With autoscaling, your apps automatically scale up or down based on the underlying infrastructure. This allows you to run more or fewer apps at a time without requiring permission from a server, load balancer, or central management system. This simplifies IT management and significantly reduces the time spent waiting for resources.

Containers also allow you to run multiple instances of your app on multiple clouds. This makes it much easier to scale your application across different cloud environments and save money on storage. In addition, unlike traditional applications that may be restricted to specific environments and operating systems, stateless applications can be easily moved from one cloud to another. They can even take advantage of standardized telemetry frameworks.

Agile Development

Agile development for cloud-native applications is one way to embrace new technology and transform your business. The process helps your development team pivot quickly, create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) quickly, and get end-user feedback quickly. With cloud-native development, you can get rid of traditional development models and unlock the true potential of your software teams.

Cloud-native development is based on new methodologies emphasizing modularity, reusability, and frequent code releases. Cloud-native applications also allow developers to tap into services that already exist. This makes adding new features simple and rewards users for using them.